Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Hamas is losing

I think Hamas is losing the war in Gaza. ( This does not mean that Israel is winning, because a war may well have two losers.)

These are some of the most important goals of Hamas:
  • The destruction of the state of Israel
  • The creation of an Islamic Palestinian state
  • The freedom and prosperity of the Palestinian people
  • "Jihad and death for the sake of God"
Right now, it is only achieving the last goal, and that I presume that they do not consider that winning as long as the other goals are further and further away.

My hope is that the Palestinian people will see that uncompromising militancy is not the way forward, and find leaders that are neither corrupt (like Fatah/PA) or fanatical jihadists (like Hamas). This could start a "domino-effect of peace", where the moderate Israeli forces can overcome the destructive hardliners (Netanyahu and the jewish fundamentalists).